Creative Cloud and Classroom Forum: (5pts) Due Tuesday 5/12
Upload your remaining photo shoots into dated folders inside your “Series” Photography folder. Open your final three images into Photoshop and edit the images with any of the techniques you have learned so far, or you may also choose to attempt new editing techniques. There are many Photoshop tutorials provided by Adobe to help you make your creative vision and reality.
Save your final edited versions on the Creative Cloud in the “Series” folder as follows: “2020 LASTNAME Series Image 1,” “2020 LASTNAME Series Image 2,“ and “2020 LASTNAME Series Image 3.”
Create a new post titled, “Week 16: Image Series” and post your three edited images. Include an artist statement that describes what you did, how you did it, and why.
Classroom Forum Comments: (5pts) Due Thursday 5/14
Choose 3 separate series projects to critique. Explain how any of the individual images stand out amongst the series, and also outline the ways in which the images work together as a whole.
Sorry for the confusion. Please comment on three separate people’s series of images.
Hello Mrs. FIsher, For the 3 images we need to critique, are we commenting on other people's pictures? Thank you!
The requirement is 30-60 images. I highly recommend you split that up into 2-4 photo shoots.
Hi Mrs. Fisher, I was wondering how many total photoshoots should we have?