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Writer's pictureMrs. Fisher

Engineering - Week 14: 4/27-5/1

Classroom Forum: (5pts) Due Tuesday 4/28

Create a new post titled, “Week 14: Biggest Little Farm” and write your response to the film using any number of the guiding questions listed below.

Relationship to Nature

• What does “nature” mean to you? In what ways are you connected to nature?

• What connection do you have to farms and agriculture?

How do farms fit into nature?

• Are you a part of nature, or apart from nature?

• In the film, farming was depicted as a process of learning about natural relationships. What are some important natural relationships that you learned about?

In the film, farming was presented as a collaboration with nature. How can you collaborate with nature in your life?

• Who is responsible for taking care of the local places in our communities? Who should be?

Purpose and Idealism in Fostering Innovation

• What are some of your ideals? Do you have ideals about the environment? If so, what are they?

• John Chester said that observation and creativity were his greatest allies. How have you solved problems in your life using observation and creativity?

• How can you inspire people to care for the natural areas you encounter daily?

Failure as Fuel for Ingenuity

• What are some of the problems the Chesters encountered on their farm? How the Chesters used problems as solutions?

• Have you had failures in your life that inspired new ideas and different approaches?

• Are there any environmental problems where you live that could be helped through increasing biodiversity and/or looking at the mutualistic relationships in nature?

Illustrator and Classroom Forum: (5pts) Due Thursday 4/30

SCAMPER is a method that innovators use to make improvements to designs, products, or services. Use the guiding questions below to take a new approach to one of your current designs. Reflect back on some of the feedback that you received from your teammates on your own designs. Feel free to also incorporate some of the things you liked about their designs into your own.

  • When you’re finished working in Illustrator to update your design, save the file as a new version in the Creative Cloud and take a screenshot.

  • Create a new post titled, “Week 14: Scamper” and post last weeks design and this weeks design with an explanation of the SCAMPER methods you applied.

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