Illustrator and Classroom Forum: (5pts) Due Tuesday 4/14
Rework one of your previous illustrations to make improvements
Create a new post titled, ”Week 12: Revisions” and insert both of the screenshots and explain how you made the changes and why.
Illustrator Tutorial: Featuring the Eyedropper, Color Library, Gradient, and Image Trace
Illustrator and Classroom Forum: (5pts) Due Thursday 4/14
Illustrator Tutorial: Featuring the Artboard, Shape Library, Swatches Theme, and Type
Additional Adobe Tutorials can be found here
Review ways to establish Visual Hiearchy to improve the overall impact of your design
Combine your illustration with text to create one of the three layouts you sketched last week. Save the file in your Creative Cloud folder.
Create a new post titled, ”Week 12: Graphic Design Layout” and insert a screenshot of your and explain how you made the changes and why.
Comment on your teammates’ designs.